Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hanging my chad

Well, it's official. I have cast my vote for our next president along with the many random political offices and amendments we had to search through this year. From private casinos and legal weed to deciding the county vs. city fate of random plots of land, it was a daunting task just to read through all the material and research topics online since I don't always believe the little pamphlets are informative enough to know all the ins and outs of an issue.

I'm not going to use this blog to voice my stance or debate politics, but I did want to highlight how easy it was to vote as a Soldier deployed halfway across the globe. I logged onto a website, filled out some data and whamo - my ballot arrived in just over a week. It was so easy I have to say I am disheartened to know anyone didn't take part. But I also realize that while the process was easy, the decision of who should take/maintain the helm is not always easy.

What is really amazing to think about is the decision I just took part in and where I am. Afghanistan may be the "forgotten war," but I know whoever is our president this next four years will need to focus on how we can successfully transition out. I know there are a *very* different views on America's involvement here, but just like Iraq, we're here now so let's not make rash decisions and leave this country worse than we found it. It's also fascinating to think about our election process and how heated we get, when voting is such a privilege many of us forget or take for granted. When I see countries like Afghanistan and the inconsistency of voting rights as well as some of the fear tactics of the Taliban to discourage free elections, I am truly humbled.

I may not agree with our political two-party system nor feel truly represented, but I will always do my part to ensure my voice is heard.
After all, if I am willing to defend the constitution and our country, I should exercise my voting right... right?
So whether you're a trunk or an ass... may the best man win.

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